Dellums endorses Kernighan?
In today's Oakland Tribune, Heather MacDonald writes about the hypocrisy of Allison's wealthy SF-based supporters exploiting OakPAC's loophole and sending out vicious, lying mailers blaming Pat Kernighan for the recent crime wave, even as OakPAC was denounced for attempting to spend its donations. This has outraged bloggers before, such as Pamela Drake of the Grand Lake Guardian and Will Harper of the East Bay Express. But now we find out that Mayor-elect Ron Dellums is outraged as well.
According to the article, Dellums "was not pleased that the most recent mailing from the Allison campaign features his picture, implying an endorsement." Pat's campaign has been very careful not to use pictures of Dellums, because they felt it would be disrespectful to the mayor-elect's neutral stance. Allison, on the other hand, has basically ignored the fact that Dellums refused to endorse her. His displeasure bodes ill for their relationship, and certainly belies Allison's claim that she needs to be elected to implement his agenda.
What's so galling about this scandal is the blatant hypocrisy combined with lies. According to the Trib, the "Pat is responsible for crime" mailer used utterly false statistics, claiming that murders have triped when in fact they are up by only 75%. Allison's spokesman says that "the progressive community," which is apparently made up of two millionaire lawyers from San Francisco, wants "to make some real change." Well, I hadn't seen city races dip to this level before, so it seems that they succeeded.
I am truly shocked by Allison's hypocrisy and the unethical actions of her mega-rich friends. I'll let Dellums' spokeswoman conclude for me: "The community will have to decide whether they want to support a candidate who is associated with violating the spirit of the agreement. The mailer sends a bad message and is in bad faith."
I don't think Allison is a hypocrite. I think she (along with her rabid followers) a self-righteous narcissist.
They clearly want to turn her into Oakland's Matt Gonzalez, a symbol of rebellion and truth. Not that there's anything wrong with their critique of politics...but *everything* is wrong with their realism, expectations, strategy and tactics.
Be sure to check out Allison's "blog" for Nov. 2. If you can get past the juvenile syntax and spelling errors, you'll learn that Allison is motivated by "divine purpose."
Self-righteous narcissism, indeed.
Deckin - oops, you're right. That's why I don't put out mailers on subjects on which I am uninformed!
Anon - Matt Gonzalez will be joining Allison for a D2 bike ride at five today. Allison goes out of her way to stress that their bike riders aren't from SF or paid.
Aaron - thanks for pointing it out! It really is immature. Once again, the stink of desperation rises from her losing campaign.
How can progressives support this emotionally unstable charlatan?
Aimee Allison had over 175 volunteers out today! Certainly she's struck a chord with somebody! I'm one of them, I'll admit, and i did a poll: 77% District Two, 85% Oakland out of the 175 ... some charges may hold water but the out of town doesn't - in the last reporting Pat had more $$$ from out of District and Aimee ... however this race ends up ... clearly has mobilized District Two folks
175 walking precincnts, or 175 riding bikes, making music and marching around being visible? I know folks love the party that's Aimee Allison.
1. Zinny: you just have to stop hanging out in bars and passing off your observations as political commentary.
2. Aren't you even REMOTELY embarrassed over the name of your blog? You don't support Dellums. Dellums doesn't know you from a hole in the ground.
3. What is with that detailed, catty description of the AA campaign worker attire at the bar. And the description of her shoes....uh-oh! Zinny - are you going metro sexual on us?
To the last anon:
1. I totally fail to understand why people think I'm Zenny Abraham. You can go to his blog and read his ridiculously racist take on the District 2 election. Here's a hint - he doesn't support Pat K.
2. The blog was set up to oppose Dellums in the mayoral election. It is called DellumsWatch - I don't see why that implies that it's pro-Dellums. I'm sure Dellums doesn't know me, though we've spoken repeatedly - someone who hasn't lived her for 35 years probably doesn't know many Oaklanders.
3. Um, I was talking about Aimee Allison's stupid outfit, not her supporters' (In past blogs I have denigrated their emergency-beacon orange shirts and her campaign managers' inappropriate cocktail dress at a City Council meeting). I like toilet heels (it refers to a flare at the bottom of a stilleto, and is a standard fashion term), but hers were exaggerated, which looks bad and very teenagery.
To the third-to-last Anon:
Aimee Allison hijacked Critical Mass on Friday, and the CM announcement said nothing about supporting AA. Furthermore, it is ironic in the extreme for bicyclists to support AA. She opposes Oak-to-Ninth, which will build acres of bike paths; Measure DD, which will build bike lanes around the lake; and "spending dollars on downtown redevelopment," which include a massive bike-, transit- and pedestrian-oriented redevelopment of lower Telegraph.
Facts like these are why Aimee Allison will get spanked tomorrow.
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