Dellums Exceeds Spending Cap
After the final disclosure forms were filed with the City Clerk, the Oakland Tribune reports that Ron Dellums' successful mayoral campaign exceeded the voluntary spending cap (which all candidates pledged to honor) by about $15,500. He also outspent Ignacio de la Fuente by more than $50,000. The Chronicle reported that most of Dellums' donations were from out-of-state political figures, as well. This just further demonstrates the arrogance of the Dellums campaign. They didn't want to debate, they refused to disclose a list of Dellums' lobbying clients or a tax return, they attempted to lie about his occupation on the ballot, they didn't engage Oaklanders, and they didn't feel they had to keep any of their promises (besides violating the spending pledge, which is really bad, where are Dellums' task forces? His veto power initiative? His six-month planning process? He said he would start as soon as he won, not go on a summer vacation).
This attitude that our ex-Congressman somehow deserves the mayoralty without earning it, or being involved in local issues whatsoever, is very frustrating to those of us who live here, and who are concerned with local issues. This arrogance and entitlement complex, which now has resulted in two serious violations of campaign ethics (the city clerk's "error" in Dellums' favor on the election summaries is the other), is a very alarming indication of Oakland's next mayoral administration.
Nancy Nadel is clearly quite pissed by this and the other improprieties that helped Dellums win outright by only 122 votes, saying "I hope that's not representative of how he would govern." It is unlikely that our mayor-elect can count on her support on the council, leaving him with only one political ally with a council seat (and no hope for veto power). We'll see what tone he takes when he returns from his drawn-out post-campaign vacation.
I received your attempt to post a comment on my Oakland Focus blog and rejected it. I would have sent you an email, but you prevent that option, so I use this alternative. Here's my request: stop contacting me. You have a pattern of writing angry, nasty, and incorrect messages to me. And for no good reason. So this will be my request -- and warning -- to simply leave me alone. I don't know who you are -- you don't have the adult courage to identify yourself -- and you send me these comments that make me think you have some interest in physically attacking me, or worse. I ask this only once: knock off the immature behavior. It's not funny and it's not fun for anyone.
Are you referring to the comment I let you on your "blog" (it's not really a blog if you don't accept comments), pointing out the xenophobia of your crazy anti-10k positions? I simply pointed out the ridiculousness of you blaming increased crime in outer East Oakland on a handful of new residents downtown. That's neither angry, nor nasty, nor incorrect.
If Aimee Allison wants to start a pacifist charter school, she should. That's what great about charter schools - if she doesn't like the military school, she doesn't have to send her kids there. But, of course, Ms. Allison wants to make decisions for people, such as her anti-nail shop initiative.
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