Dellums Gives Up on The A's
Something I've been telling my sports-fan friends about the mayoral election is that Dellums is going to lose the A's. The main reasons are: he doesn't care about the team (again, he hasn't lived here in thirty years), and he probably won't run for re-election. Iggy knows that, no matter what people say in polls, as mayor he will not get reelected as the guy who lost the A's.
Now, confirmation rather than my (astute) speculation. A vote for Dellums is a vote for moving the A's. From the Trib April 1st:
The A's question enlivened the debate, with Dellums saying that team owner Lewis Wolff as much as told him the team was already lost to Oakland. Dellums said elected officials should have taken action when the team wanted to move downtown, and he called talk of keeping the team here a "flight into fantasy."
That prompted a quick rebuttal from De La Fuente, who said that Wolff did not own the A's and "wasn't in the picture" when there was talk about a downtown stadium.
De La Fuente said he was not giving up on the team or its desire for a new, smaller stadium, although both he and Nadel said that any new park would have to be built without public subsidy.
Is Dellums going to spend the entire race dwelling on the past, saying that Jerry Brown et al made mistakes while offering nothing in the way of a solution?
Dellums further illustrates his ignorance about Oakland. The A's were never pushing for a downtown ballpark - that was the fantasy of a Trib reporter. And anyone who honestly thinks that a stadium is a better use of that land than hundreds of apartments either a)hates Oakland, b)hasn't been downtown in ten years, or c)needs to put down their crack pipe forthwith.
I desperately want the A's to stay. But putting a ballpark in Uptown was absolutely not the way to do it.
My biggest problem is that throughout this debate Lobbyist Dellums is focusing on the past and offering nothing for the future beyond meaningless slogans and pie-in-the-sky ideas (like universal health care).
I don't feel the need to rehash a three-year-old debate. If we want the A's we need to step up - we need to get serious about excercising eminent domain power to get the land they want, or think of new, creative places for a ballpark (the closed Kaiser Convention Center is a nice piece of land near BART, for example).
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