Dellums Watch: Keeping Tabs on Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums

Because we care deeply about Oakland, we want Mayor Dellums to succeed. However, we strongly opposed his election because he never held a municipal position in Oakland and has lived in Washington for the last thirty-five years. We are wary of some of his supporters, and wish to keep a close eye on local political machinations. This blog will be focused on politics and people, not policy perscriptions (unlike FutureOakland).

September 26, 2006

Dellums in town?

According to Aimee Allison's campaign "blog," Mayor-elect Dellums is in town tomorrow for a Grand Lake Theater forum on Democratic efforts to take back Congress. The Mayors Brown will also be in attendance. I don't think I'll be able to go, but this sounds like it could be interesting. Does this mean that our mayor-elect is back in town, and may speak out on local issues? Does it mean that he's preparing to endorse Aimee Allison? Hopefully someone will go and report back.

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At September 27, 2006 2:36 PM, Blogger Oakland Native said...

I'm also shocked that a partisan organization would invite Allison, but the left-wing of local partisan activists love the simplistic socialist ideology of the Green Party. I don't know what's going on, or in what capacity she's speaking. For an event with major local political figures, it sure hasn't done a good job of marketing.

It is true that the Greens represent a serious challenge to Democrats that Libertarians (etc.) don't pose to Republicans. Even though this is a nonpartisan election, I hope that District 2 residents remember Bush v Gore v Nader in FL.

At September 28, 2006 12:35 PM, Blogger Oakland Native said...

I got the scoop on the event from a friend who was there.

Ron Dellums, of course, was not there. Ms. Allison did speak at the event, as an anti-war activist. Pat Kernighan's people showed up, outnumbering Aimee Allison's, and got a very warm reception with their partisan signage. Apparently the only two people who spent time talking to Allison's people about volunteering were from Berkeley.

In other news, IndyMedia has an outrageous post by an Allison supporter claiming that she would win immigrant votes, even though Allison did best in the Rose Garden neighborhood and worst in Chinatown/Eastlake in June. It claims that because she's biracial, she's better equipped for the council (something she said at the first debate in the special election). Comments aren't working, oddly.

At September 29, 2006 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allison is whatever type of politician is convenient at the moment for her: currently, she's switching between being a "Green" politician and being a "black" politician. I think she and Wilson Riles would like to try to make it that you can be both, but these days it's hard. That's why the "Green" Allison supported a no bid Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with "out of town developers" the Wayan Brothers (who are, of course, black).

At October 03, 2006 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now Allison's blog encoruages people to support Measure O, the IRV measure. She fails to mention, of course, that the only reason it's on the ballot is because her opponent put it there.

Can you imagine Aimee Allison and Nancy Nadel being able to create concesnsu on the Council to put something like IRV on the ballot? Argument #1456 for Pat K.

At October 03, 2006 2:35 PM, Blogger Oakland Native said...

Yeah, that's a good reason to vote for Pat - that she's not an extremist and can work with the council majority (and Nancy Nadel). Could you imagine what would happen if AA were on the council? She would waste everyone's time with political theater, and nothing for District 2 would ever get funded.

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