Aimee Allison's Real Positions
Aimee Allison's slick, union-funded campaign flyers are vague in the extreme. For District 2 residents confused on her stands, here is some information.
Aimee Allison is part of the old Dellums crony network. Her fundraiser this week is hosted by Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson and the city employees' union.
Aimee Allison thinks that Oakland, with about half the police per-capita of most mid-sized cities (let alone large cities), spends too much money on policing. The link is from an article she wrote in a magazine that speaks "for socialism." If she cuts millions of dollars from policing services, how are we supposed to have community policing? She emphasizes gun control, seemingly unaware that Oakland and Alameda County passed stringent gun control measures in the early 1990s, under leadership of then-Supervisor Don Perata.
Aimee Allison does not support a downtown main library (which is in District 2), because it shouldn't be "a priority."
Aimee Allison favors the lawsuit that seeks to stop Lake Merrit improvements (voter-approved Measure DD), because a few old trees will get lost in the process of expanding the lake.
Aimee Allison is an avowed socialist, happily accepting endorsements from several international socialist groups. Her government-directed vision of Oakland would result in the declining services and limited entrepreneurial opportunities we see in Berkeley.
Aimee Allison, as a good socialist, trusts bureaucracy over people's choices. She wants to close down nailshops on Grand Avenue, because they're "poor planning." No matter that they are patronized, of course - she knows better than District 2 consumers what shops should be on Grand.
Aimee Allison wants to seize Port revenues for the school district. Since all port "excess" revenue (the port's tiny profit is spent on debt service) goes toward expansion, this would mean reducing airport expansion and the current, and successful, effort to increase revenue growth through container terminal expansion. Her figure of adding $500 million to the city's biannual budget is ludicrously wrong.
Aimee Allison supports closing down charter schools for political, rather than education or financial, reasons.
Aimee Allison supports so-called "inclusionary" zoning, as the first item on her flyer. This is a fee levied on developers of high-density, transit-oriented housing, a fee that is not applied to developers of speculative mansions in the hills. In Oakland, the consumers of newly-built condos are first-time homebuyers who are mainly seeking to live close to Chinatown (a part of District 2). Ms. Allison is looking to impose huge fees on first-time, transit-oriented homeowners in Chinatown. Ironically, the fees do not go to provide low-income housing, but instead support vaguely-defined "affordable" housing, which may go to households earning as much as $100,000 a year.
Aimee Allison opposes the Oak-to-Ninth project, although I cannot find a single detail of her specific criticism of it. She has taken no position on the school board land sale. She seems to think that electing her will lead to the end of the war in Iraq. She thinks that Oakland having all-black political leadership is "so great," even though it's a multiracial city. This is one nutty chick. Unfortunately, between her non-Oakland-based Green Party support, and the deep pockets of Dellums' cronies (remember, Dellums not only violated the spending pledge but also far outspent De La Fuente), she will be able to put up a very tough fight against incumbent Kernighan. Hopefully District 2 voters will look past the hype and re-elect their effective, moderate councilwoman.
Aimee Allison's endorsements are here. Notable endorsements:
The Dellums Machine: Dan Seigel, Greg Hodge, Keith Carson, Geoffrey Peete
The city employees' union (and the statewide unions that control the Democratic Party, like the nurses and teachers' unions, that donate huge sums to Don Perata). So much for an independent third party!
The Berkeley City Council's anti-growth, anti-transit, anti-youth, anti-business "progressive" wing: Kriss Worthington, Dona Spring, and candidate Chris Cavanaugh
San Francisco socialists: Chris Daly, Matt Gonzalez, Ross Mirkarimi
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You are well intentioned but ignorant. Aimee Allison is a visionary what we need in Oakland to battle the developer--white invasion that is currently beset us. I am Irish so I can say there is a white invasion currently at hand in Oakland. Oakland is a unique American city in so many ways. Us whiteys already dominate so many unique American "progressive" cities that are "livable" (relatively compared to progressive cities that are not) such as SF, Portland, Seattle, NY. The Black, Brown, and Yellow communities of Oakland is part of what makes Oakland Oakland. If you do not like the real Oakland Mr "Native" pack up and move to Tracy.
Jimmy McSwean
She's a visionary? I shudder at her "vision" of shuttered stiores, a shrunken port, and politicized educational facilities. Oakland does not need to "battle" developers (although, yes, that is probably what Ms. Allison thinks), but needs to welcome new residents and continue to increase its tax base so that we don't have to cut services like Head Start to keep paying the city employees huge pensions.
The typical condo buyer in Oakland is not white, but Asian. Virtually every condo built in Oakland costs less than the median price of an existing home. So, it's not "gentrification" that's happening, but simply responses to demand from people to live in Oakland's uniquely inclusive culture. Ms. Allison's narrow, race-based call for "an alignment" of "black progressive leadership" is just as excluding to brown and yellow people as it is to white people. Her explicit promise to vote in lockstep with Dellums and her acceptance of the city employees' union money means she will be far from an "independent voice." Ms. Allison is a carpetbagger who is attempting to use lies, trickery and ideology to grab political power and exercise it to the detriment of entrepreneurs, charter school students, and first-time homeowners.
Deckin, thanks for your comments, on the important issue of education (on which our council has little to no say, though is stressed by the left). It's true that Aimee Allison's extremist ideology is just as closed-minded as the Bushies in DC, and would be just as disastrous. She has no concrete policy positions or means of solving any problems, and her positions stem from ideology and not reality (for example, Oakalnd's unemployment rate is quite low, and continuing to fall). I am worried, however, that her coming defeat in November will not be the last of her - there's an at-large election coming up in 2 years, and Councilmember Chang is by far the most conservatie member of the council.
Well, the black nationalists are out in force at the moment - did you read The Express's ridiculous article condemning the Art Murmur (of all things) for being too young and too white? I look forward to Mayor Dellums bringing people together on these issues.
Check out the state Green party's economic platform - it is downright scary. They want to abolish the Federal Reserve, impose capital controls on business to "keep money local," exempt non-profits from all regulation, and, of course, shut down nail shops.
Most of Aimee's problems are outlined well in this article and the comments. What needs to happen, though, is that people need to help Pat win. Hopefully, you folks will do that.
One way to do this from an information perspective is to find statements from candidates and see if they have followed through. For example, in her comments from the Lakeview meeting, Aimee says that the new main library is not a good idea (I agree, it's not), but then she also says "I look forward to attending the next Life Enrichment committee."
Well, did she? I doubt it. Pointing that out is something that matters to voters. Aimee is extremely political, and doesn;t mind going to meetings and schmoozing. But doing something? I don;t think anyone can point to a thing she's done in the year plus that she's been running.
Those type of things matter to voters who aren't, say, just red/green bashing, like you are here (c'mon, be honest!) I mean, Aimee's even a bad socialist!
Progressive, but Anti-Allison
Amen to all you wrote.
And she'll drop her 8 year old son when needed, but won;t mention he's in private school.
Oh, and i understand her partner's a real estate agent. Are they really hating gentrification when it's putting the freakin bread on the table?
Aimee Allison's son goes to private school?! That's scandalous! No wonder she opposes charter schools. Her partner's real estate job just illustrates the hypocrisy behind anti-gentrification measures: a massive condo tax would inflate the values all existing homes. But I'd rather focus on the issues.
There is quite a buzz around District 2 that Ms. Allison doesn't attend community meetings. That would probably explain why anti-development firebrand Pamela Drake is endorsing Pat. While personally I'd rather see an agressively pro-growth Chinatown-Grand Lake councilmember (Pat doesn't support the school board land sale, for example), I respect Pat's moderate, bridge-building approach. Also, she gets results - she brought walking officers back to her district! Quite an accomplishment.
Oh, and she drives a custom Audi and her husband drives an SUV.
And we've alreayd talked about her Stanford education.
Has anyone actually tried to find out what her "business" is or how to do business with her (she describes herself on the ballot as "businesswoman")? Has anyone even checked to see if she has a business license with the City?
I don't like to be so personally critical of political candidates (PK drives a minivan), but Ms. Allison really brings this on herself with her ideological tirades that are very critical of her imagined political opponents. She thinks Pat Kernighan is the same as Bush - she basically said that in the MP3 interview (she says that, to stop the Bush way of thinking, she needed to run for City Council).
I think she is a consultant to non-profits. She's also written a moderately successful book. It is very true that her campaign is not focused on District 2 but on ideological posturing. That's why she's going to lose. But if PK's margin isn't huge, Aimee Allison is back for sure.
Personal attacks aren't the best way, but they're revealing (Pat isn't saying she's some greenie superstar). At the very least, her hypocrisy gives some insight into her values and judgement.
After she spent her last campaign going on and on about the Council bending over for "out of town developers," her first public action is to appear at the City Council and advocate for a no-bid/no performance standards ENA for the Wayan Brothers (from LA, if you didn;t know).
Hopefully, if she loses, she'll give it a rest. I don;t know if you can fail to win three times in two years and argue that you've got it going on. Inevitably, I say she goes Rebecca Kaplan: AC Transit, BART, EBMUD Board or something, to do some favors for some people and unions, racking up some political capital and waiting in the cut for an opening.
Good point about the Wayans Brother ENA. I guess she only objects to developers who are building much-needed middle-income housing, but amusement parks are great. I strongly support the Wayans Brothers idea (and I love Scary Movie!), but the buzz around City Hall is that it's not going to happen.
The fact that the AC Transit board is stuffed with political wannabes probably explains why the most efficient transit system in the Bay Area regularly gets stiffed by the politicians who control the state and federal budgets. Why didn't Rebecca Kaplan (who lives in Temescal) object to the proposed Telegraph Avenue development moratorium? If Larry Reid hadn't killed it, AC Transit's forthcoming Rapid Bus Service would have been screwed.
Your anti-socialist ranting is just annoying. If you have a political point against socialism, than make it! Calling something socialist in and of itself is not valid argument against it.
I don't think that, in a rational discussion with educated people, I need to explain that socialism doesn't work. Europe has been struggling for decades to rid itself of its socialist legacy, which has caused economic and cultural stagnation as well as alienated youth with limited opportunities. To see the fallacy of these ideas, we just need to look next door to San Francisco, whose socialist housing policies make homes unbelievably expensive; or to Berkeley, whose Zoning Adjustments Board has ruined their commercial districts.
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