Dellums Watch: Keeping Tabs on Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums

Because we care deeply about Oakland, we want Mayor Dellums to succeed. However, we strongly opposed his election because he never held a municipal position in Oakland and has lived in Washington for the last thirty-five years. We are wary of some of his supporters, and wish to keep a close eye on local political machinations. This blog will be focused on politics and people, not policy perscriptions (unlike FutureOakland).

December 18, 2006

What will the task forces say?

That's got to be the question on everyone's minds. Mayor-elect Ron Dellums attracted the support of anti-growth advocates while also promising to top the 10k plan with a 100k plan. His candidacy sparked furious opposition from anti-socialists, but has made recent moves to appear more pro-business. He is a towering local political figure, but, as the East Bay Express blog suggested, has recently failed to have coattails (with the November defeats of Alona Clifton and Aimee Allison, whose districts overlapped significantly). These contradictions make it very difficult to predict what sort of legislation, or "vision," Oakland will be presented with early next year. Early indications are disappointing.

Longtime local activist Pamela Drake recently wrote an incendiary critique of downtown development on the Grand Lake Guardian. She was rebutted by several commenters, including the contributors to this blog. What worries me is that her opinion, besides being backwards-looking and reactionary, was incredibly ill-informed. She asserts that the Forest City project "displace(d) the very local entrepreneurial folks who had recently begun to revitalize the area," when in fact the only businesses moved were two auto-repair businesses and a union hall. She seems to be completely unaware that there are many new, exciting places downtown, whose entrepreneurs have told me or newspapers that they opened because of the Forest City Uptown project. And she's a leader of the task forces!

If our downtown "vision" is being shaped by people who know nothing about downtown, that is very worrisome. Another example could be the artists and Korean immigrants who are reshaping mid-Telegraph. Are their perspectives represented on panels dealing with Telegraph's issues of growth and transit? The sheer number of task forces, including ones on unproductive subjects such as the library (what could the task force possibly say about the library?), indicate that there will be many opportunities for task-force reports to say something ill-informed or extremist. Self-appointed West Oakland spokespeople Just Cause are taking advantage of the ignorance of the incoming administration to feed them their ludicrous figure of West Oakland losing 25% of its black population in the last five years.

The inevitable cacophony of reports will interfere with presumptive mayoral Chief-of-Staff Tony West's efforts to set an agenda. Or will it? In an email to city employees (not all of whom voted for him), the Mayor-elect reaffirms the centrality of the task-forces to the creation of his agenda.
Now that we've determined who will lead Oakland into its future, we must now determine how. The work of our taskforce operation was constructed to engage you and other members of our city in a participatory process. This effort is designed to gain the collective brilliance and genius of this community on the issues, concerns, challenges and solutions that we must consider in order to make Oakland a model city. With those findings and recommendations in hand together we will craft an agenda for the change that will Move Oakland Forward.

In the days ahead, we will need your cooperation, active participation and the richness of your experience to advance this effort. Thank you again for your vote of confidence not just in me, but in what you know Oakland can be. Together, we can do great things. As an important part of this team effort, I ask that you to join me on this great journey to make Oakland a model city with a city government that is innovative, effective and inspiring.

Ultimately, the January election of the President of the City Council, which Ignacio looks set to win again, will be much more important to our city's direction than any wacky task-force recommendation. And the commission on housing issues, set to meet for three months starting soon, will have the gravitas at least to delay most discussions on growth to the Spring. Unfortunately, it sounds like the panel will include only grey-haired experts and wild-eyed activists, so it will be up to the City Council to find a compromise on the pressing issues of apartment construction, condo conversions, and growth taxes (ie, inclusionary zoning).


At December 19, 2006 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not disagreeing that Just Cause is a joke, I will disagree with the near free market fundamentalism expressed by deckin. While I may agree that 99 Cent stores and other purveyors of cheap, plastic crap aren't the best economic devlopment for any neighborhood, I can't say that I would do anything about it if it was someone else's money on the table. I fear, however, that Nancy in fact does have a right to speak on this, for I suspect a cursory look at this deal would show city money in there somewhere. So, as one of the folks we elected to watch over our taxes, she gets to exercise her judgement. If you don't like it, run against her in District 3 (and lose, which seems to be the pattern).

Additionally, although one may not like Nancy, one should like government enough in that it has had the good sense to ensure that there is not a gas station, car wash, auto body shop, or Church's Chicken on every corner in every neighborhood, despite the fact that such proliferation would (presumably) bring prices down for poor people. Indeed, by the arguments here, we should fill poor neighborhoods with gas stations and fast food restaurants, since cheap gas for endless commuting and cheap food are what poor people need, no?

And although it may not mean anything, I certainly will not be spending any time in West Oakland as long as it remains a dangerous place filled with dumb ass businesses. I will go to Rockridge, Lakeshore and the Piedmont Avenue areas, all of which have restrictive zoning, and are the only places anyone an have any fun in Oakland.

No, downtown's not there yet.

Jerome Peters

At December 19, 2006 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all know that just cause is a group of young comfortable liberals who know the needs of the poor better than the poor know their own needs.

They know exactly what jobs will be best for the poor. That's why they oppose certain employers that typically hire the poor.

They know exactly what stores will best serve the poor. That's why they oppose certain stores even if the poor desire to have these stores available in their neighborhoods.

They know what housing will be best for the poor. That's why, speaking on behalf of the poor, they oppose just about any type of housing development proposed in West Oakland.

They are such experts in the needs of the poor that they are willing (with tax foundation grants of course), to fight on their behalf, to see to it that they (the poor) get exactly what just cause thinks they deserve.

Of course, while they fight, bicker, and feather their class war nest(using the needs of the poor as cannon fodder), the jobs, the stores and the housing gets built on all sides of them.

Nancy Nadel has been in this same liberal-knows-best fighting mode her entire tenure as councilmember. She has worked to make sure that as little progress as possible is made in West Oakland.

All proposed progress becomes part of the class war paradigm. That way as West Oaklanders continue to have to shop elsewhere,and feel threatend by crime in their neighborhoods (as mentioned by Jerome Peters), she can can continue to fight and feel relevant because she knows, better than they, what they want and need.

What would we do without her?

At December 20, 2006 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for your thoughtful response. I will say, however, just for the record that College Avenue in Rockridge (and Piedmont Avenue, for that matter) both have highly restrictive C-31 zoning. Among other things, C-31 requires retail on the ground floor of each and every storefront and, on top of that, requires a conditional use permit if you want it to be over 3500 square feet or so.

But the neighborhood also has a lot to do with it. When a Cigarettes Cheaper went in some years ago, the neighborhood and Jane Brunner killed it dead so fast it made thier head spin. And they actually had their sign up and doors open and everything.

Can't say that's so bad.

Jerome Peters

At December 20, 2006 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pamela Drake is very comfortable in the role of armchair critic. A great Monday morning quarterback. She knows well how to crticize and "blame" others.

When her ideas were tested in the political marketplace, the result was a candidacy for City Council that stumbled badly. Barely making it out of the starting blocks. Yet she offers no humility nor even the vaguest recognition of the limitations of meanness and criticism. The epitome of the arrogance and conceit that has become progressivism. Ever more regressive by the day.

And for a person whose stock in trade is raw and mean criticism of others, she is surprisingly thin skinned. Take a look at her posts on the Grand Lake Guardian.

At December 21, 2006 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Indeed, I think you're right: West Oakalnd should be hoping to get whatever they can get. Later on, however, if some miracle happens and things get hopping in West oakland(which took arguably decades on College Avenue after the freeway went in), I should hope that they can advocate for government intervention to keep things cool through zoning, as they do in Rockridge and Piedmont Ave.


At December 22, 2006 1:59 PM, Blogger Oakland Native said...

Apparently the task forces are not what's on everyone's minds. I just want to provide some context for the above discussion on the proposed West Oakland co-op.

The EBX reported on the mismanagement of the co-op almsot two years ago. The co-op's rent guarantees come from the West Oakland Redevelopment Area Project Area Committee, which are redevelopment funds usually used for low-income housing or infrastructure improvements. I also believe that Nancy Nadel contributed money to the co-op from her discretionary funds, although I cannot find that in the Council agenda so perhaps that's not true. Either way, many well-managed and innovative nutrition nonprofits are already in West Oakland, and are more deserving of the help that's coming from the public purse.

On the topic of restrictive zoning (which Berkeley uses to centrally-plan every damn street), Rockridge's anti-restaurant zoning is just now coming into effect, as two of the three cheap Chinese places went upscale. We'll see the impact of the food ban over the next few years.

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